Monday, July 26, 2010

Kathy Zerler - July Speaker

Please join us on Thursday, July 29 at 7 p.m. at the Morton House as writer Kathy Zerler joins us to talk about her writing.
Kathy is a local freelance writer and a few years ago she wrote "A Slip in Time" which uses Benton Harbor of old as a setting (including some scenes at Morton House).
Kathy is also the author of a history of the Blossomtime Festival. Both books will be available for purchase at the Morton House.
Cost for the event is $2 each and funds go to support programing at the Morton House.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blossom Queens come to the Morton House

Queens sit patiently in the parlor
Denise Reeves explains features of the house

Queens and Kings on the Morton House porch

It's a tradition to welcome the Blossomtime Queens and Kings to the Morton House during their Tour of the Blossoms. This year they came on April 26 and several Morton House members were there to welcome them with punch and cookies.

They toured the house, asking lots of questions, and then lined up on the front porch for a quick photo before they were back on their bus and off with sirens wailing to their next stop.

Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped on that day. It was a treat to see so many brightly-colored and shining young people in the house.

The yards at Morton House

On Saturday, June 5 volunteers from the Morton House, the Highcliffe Terrace Garden Club and Lakeshore High School joined at the Morton House to tackle the yard. A huge pile of brush was cut and piled to be taken away, trees were trimmed, flower beds were cleared and everything looks much better.

The Highcliffe Terrace Garden Club has taken on the grounds of the Morton House as their community project this year. They have had two work sessions already, this first clearing one, and another to spread mulch.

Thank you to the members of the club for taking on this monumental task.